How to Help Someone Write an Essay

If you’re wondering how to help someone write an essay, you can offer to help them brainstorm ideas. This brainstorming session can take place in person, over the phone, or through video chat. It’s helpful to talk through ideas, and you can offer your own knowledge and insights as well. To help someone brainstorm, use a speech-to-text tool or a graphic organizer. You can also share your own ideas and experiences, and you can take notes during the brainstorming process.

Do not succumb to the temptation to actually write portions of the essay for them

If you are in need of help writing an essay for college, do not succumb to the temptation to actually write parts of the essay for another person. While it might seem tempting to scribble down ideas for parts of the essay, it is important to keep your ideas in a separate, reliable place. Keep a phone, Moleskine notebook, or index cards handy for ideas. Don’t try to scribble down ideas in your own mind. Though the mind is a wonderful idea-making tool, it is an awful filing cabinet.

Don’t succumb to the temptation to actually write a thesis statement for them

A thesis statement for an argumentative essay should be a concise, yet informative summary of the topic and your opinion. Essentially, it acts as a mini-outline of your paper. While it is tempting to use words like cheap and good, they are not the best choices. For example, you can write that the best fast-food restaurant in the world is Taco Bell, because it’s inexpensive, convenient, and open twenty-four hours a day.

Although a thesis statement is often part of the introduction, it’s not necessary. While it’s tempting to write a thesis statement for someone else’s essay, don’t succumb to the temptation. The thesis statement isn’t a place to make inquiries or make recommendations; instead, it is a summary of what the rest of the essay will argue.

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